Warning Signs of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer found around the world and you need to detect it early on to ensure the success of treatment. In this article, we will look at the warning signs of skin cancer so that you can seek prompt medical attention.

There are many types of skin cancer.

The most common type of cancer is basal cell carcinoma and it will appear as a pearly or shiny bump. Sometimes this will be a flesh colour pat that is oozing or bleeding. A firm red nodule can usually be presented when there is squamous cell carcinoma. This can also be a crusted scaly lesion that can bleed. The most aggressive form of skin cancer is melanoma. If you want to know how to check for melanoma, you need to look for a new lesion or existing mole that is irregularly shaped with uneven borders. This can have varying colours and have a diameter that is bigger than a pencil eraser.  You have to monitor your skin for any changes when you carry out a self- examination. You have to be vigilant when it comes to the development of new lesions or moles on the skin. You need to check whether these are asymmetrical, have multiple colours, uneven borders and change is shape or size.

You have to pay attention to any changes in your existing moles.

This can occur as a change in shape, colour, size or texture. You have to check whether the moles itch, bleed or develop irregular borders. Sometimes the moles can be raised. You will need to note this as well. If you have a persistent ulcer, sore or wound on your skin that doesn’t health within a reasonable time, you will need to be very careful of this. This can be an indication of squamous cell carcinoma. You have to monitor if there is any area of inflammation, redness or swelling on your skin as this can be due to an underlying skin condition. If any changes in colouration occur in your skin such as areas of discolouration, dark spots or pigmented lesions, you need to be alert of these changes. In some areas of your skin, there can be itching, pain or tenderness. You need to take note of this and check whether this persists.

You need to be concerned

When there is crusting, bleeding or oozing of any skin lesion as this can be an abnormality that has to be evaluated further. Some patients can have rapid growth or spread of skin lesions which can be due to aggressive malignancy to other parts of the body. You have to examine your nails and scalp as well. Some unusual symptoms affecting these areas are in changes in nail texture or colour and lesions, lumps or bumps appearing on the scalp. Some people will have more risk factors such as a family history of skin cancer, weakened immune system and excessive exposure to the sun. If you have these risk factors, you have to be extra careful and monitor your skin for any changes proactively.




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