Things You Need to Know When Feeding Mealworms to Reptile Pets

Taking care of reptile pets is not an easy task. Reptiles have a lot of requirements to stay healthy – from moisture, lighting conditions, temperature, and many more. Since reptiles can be considered a finicky pet, it is also important to choose food that would catch their interest and boost their health.

Reptiles can be carnivores, herbivores, or both. The type of feed you need depends on the pet that you have. For carnivores and omnivores, you could give them live feed such as insects and bugs. Aside from catching their interest, they would surely love eating a fresh kill. Mealworms are just one of the most popular feeds for reptile pets. However, there are certain considerations that needs to be followed when feeding mealworms to your reptiles. Read along and learn more.

Variety and Preference

Reptile pets definitely love mealworms. However, if you feed it to them every single feeding time daily, those yummy treats lose its charm and maybe your pets won’t even want to eat those anymore. Before buying a tub of mealworms, know first if your pet likes to eat it in the first place.

If it like to eat mealworms then feed it to your pet as a snack or treats to keep its novelty and appeal. Mealworms are healthy for your reptiles so there’s nothing to worry when giving it as a snack. If you’re looking for quality grown mealworms, check out these mealworms for sale perfect for your beloved pet.

Fat Intake

Reptiles can gain weight easily when they are always feeding on foods that have high fat content. It is unhealthy for reptiles to become overweight since they can’t do their usual activities and won’t be as active as they should be.

Mealworms are healthy but they also have high fat content. When feeding mealworms to your reptile pets, be sure to accompany it with fruits and vegetables to keep your pet healthy. You could also substitute mealworms from time to time with other protein-rich feed like crickets and bugs since these insects have lesser fat content than mealworms.

Calcium Supplementation

While mealworms are rich in protein and fat, they contain less calcium which is not enough for your reptile pet. Before feeding the mealworms to your pet, lightly dust it first with calcium powder to improve its calcium content. You could also do it easier by putting the calcium powder into a bag, placing the mealworms into the bag, and shake it gently to coat it with calcium.

Gut Health

Impaction is a gut condition that refers to the accumulation of debris in the stomach or intestine. Since mealworms have chitin in their exoskeleton, impaction can be a problem when you feed mealworms in excess. To avoid this gut problem, you could opt for newly molted mealworms since their exoskeleton is still softer and easier to digest. Dehydration can also contribute to impaction so it is important to keep your reptile well hydrated at all times.

Before feeding your pet with mealworms, be sure to keep those things in mind to keep your reptile pet safe and healthy.




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