Best Teas to Drink When Pregnant

Staying well hydrated during pregnancy is important to keep the baby healthy and developing well inside the womb. Aside from water, there are still plenty of other drinks that are more enjoyable to drink. However, you might be worried if those drinks are safe or healthy for your pregnancy.

There are some drinks that need to be lessened during pregnancy such as alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. For coffee and tea lovers, this might really create a huge concern since it would mean that you need to cut down your intake of your favourite drink.

While you need to watch your caffeine intake during pregnancy, there are actually some teas that are caffeine free plus enjoyable and relaxing to drink. Herbal teas, flower teas, and tisanes are the most recommended during pregnancy because they don’t contain caffeine plus, they have a lot of benefits that help relieve some pregnancy symptoms and discomforts.

If you’re looking for a great tea to drink during your pregnancy, here are some of the best ones to try out.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is at the top of the list when it comes to the best Australian tea for pregnancy. Ginger naturally alleviates nausea and vomiting which is associated with morning sickness during pregnancy. If you’re having a hard time during the first trimester due to morning sickness, drinking ginger tea at the start of the day can help with this problem. It also helps relieve pain and body aches which is common during pregnancy because of the bodily changes your body is going through.

Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm is a lemon-scented herb and has a soothing scent when made into a tea. It is commonly used to help improve mood, making it perfect for pregnant women who don’t really feel that good with all the challenges they face during their pregnancy journey. It also helps relieve insomnia, giving pregnant women better sleep quality since it is one of the most common problems during pregnancy.

Rose Tea

Rose tea is made from rose petals and buds and is naturally caffeine free. It is relaxing to drink and is a perfect source of hydration if you’re looking for more fun ways to stay hydrated during pregnancy. Rose tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C making it greatly helpful in strengthening the body’s immune system during pregnancy. With its relaxing fragrance, you’ll surely enjoy every cup of this tea.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea has a minty soothing scent that helps relieve an upset stomach and nausea which is a common pregnancy discomfort. It also aids in relieving heartburn in pregnant women, making it a perfect tea to drink especially during the later months of pregnancy. If you also have cough or colds, a cup of peppermint tea can help alleviate the discomfort brought by those ailments.

Drinking tea is actually great during pregnancy. However, it is important to choose teas that don’t contain caffeine to keep your baby safe inside the womb.




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